Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mia's Birth

One of my bestest friends (of 26 years!) had a beautiful baby girl!!! Miyako (aka Mia) was born the day after Thanksgiving.  The doc said labor should start at 10am so I did some serious speeding to get from Rancho Cucamonga to Pasadena in 30 minutes.  I've been waiting for a week so all my camera equipment was charged and ready to go! Get there at 930am and nothing.  10...nothing.  12...nothing.  2...nothing.  4...some contractions.  Mommy gets epidural (and says it was the best decision ever-she originally wanted to do without!) Lol...everytime a contraction would come she would say it hurts, and after they stop she always said "it wasn't that bad." 7 o'clock rolls around and still no baby.  Apparently she had trouble dropping (is that the right terminology?) because of her big head (haha-don't worry Mia I will make fun of you for this for years to come!) After much prayers of no c-section (from all of us, me for selfish reasons of timeless moments I would be able to capture on camera), doc decides mommy is getting a c-section.  I was devastated.  But got some great pre-baby shots! I definitely would like to do more births, from beginning to end! Enjoy the birthing pictures! Mia's newborn shoot to come!

Jen & Jason

Shalabi Family

Grabowski Family

I found my new favorite place to shoot! Such a rustic and romantic setting...and I'm keeping its whereabouts a secret ;) Fun family to shoot! Such naturals-the camera loved them.  See for yourself!

Shen Family

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jenn & Jayson 9.14.2012

I love my job for many reasons.  At this wedding, I particularly enjoyed shooting such a fun group of people! The wedding party was crazy fun, as were the parents with their bottle of patron.  Not to mention it's always fun photographing a bride who looks like a celebrity, in this case Mila Kunis! Congrats you two!